prima: adj.〔意大利语〕第一的,主要的。 prima ballerina 芭蕾舞的主要女演员。 prima buffa (歌舞喜剧的)主要女歌星。 prima donna (pl. prima donnas, prime donne ) 1.(歌剧的)首席女演员,音乐会的主要女歌手。2.〔美俚〕爱虚荣的人,傲慢的人,神经质的人(尤指女人)。
Kenard here is one of our prima donna barbers 科纳德是我们这里的主要发型师
Teeter - totter caught up between bein ' a father a prima donna 做个父亲其实和做第一夫人一样惨
Prima donna wannabe actor trying to play the big balcony scene 梦想当主角的演员演出一台大戏
Prima donna wannabe actor trying to play the big balcony scene . . 梦想当主角的演员演出一台大戏
Teeter - totter caught up between bein ' a father & a prima donna 做个父亲其实和做第一夫人一样惨。
Teeter - totter caught up between bein a father & a prima donna 做个父亲其实和做第一夫人一样惨。
Mrs bloom , my wife the prima donna , madam marion tweedy , bloom indicated “这是我的妻子,布卢姆太太。
Ms zoe tay maintains her splendour even a decade after she became the prima donna of tcs , and senior minister lee is full of vitality to this day , as they never cease to strive for change , innovation , and progress 不是说老的就不好, “阿姐”郑惠玉十年后依然光彩照人,如今的李资政也宝刀不老。但是,他们也在变,也在求新求发展,谁会说他们“不新”呢?
Not even maria callas , arguably the ultimate operatic prima donna , did what the 43 - year - old frenchman did , leaving fellow performers stunned midway through an act and forcing an understudy wearing jeans to rush on and take over 就算是最负盛名的歌剧女高音玛莉亚卡拉丝,也不曾做出这名43岁法籍男高音的举动,在一幕表演中途退场,不仅抛下吓坏了的同台表演者,甚至迫使一名穿著牛仔裤的替补歌手冲上台去代演。